Finished reading "The American" by Andrew Britton. I'd probably give it 3 out 5 stars. The main character, Ryan Kealey (not to be confused with the former Sun Devil QB Ryan Kealy) was likable enough. Although it's clear that Britton was trying to make him be a cross between Jack Ryan and Jack Bauer.
His Ryanesque like qualities were more associated with his background, former military, went CIA, left to do some pseudo-teaching at a University, lived near the ocean and ultimately was quoted saying at one point in the book, "I want back in," which was very reminiscent of Ryan from "Patriot Games" if I recall correctly.
The actions of Kealey were very Baueresque as he had a couple of interesting interrogation moments with the baddies and had that "do what you think is right" type approach. One moment in the book was particularly interesting when he had to interrogate someone who was being held in a Federal holding facility but was under the watchful eye of his lawyer at the time.
I did particularly like the character development with the main baddie, Jason March, who was working with Al-Qaeda but it had nothing to do with religion. A focused individual who fell into some normal human traps that he knew at the time might be critical mistakes.
Anyhow, if you are itching to read a Tom Clancy-like book (since he hasn't written one in like five years) but without the Clancy-like attention to detail, then you will probably enjoy this book.

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