Unfortunately I was traveling last Thursday when Craig Biggio singled for hit number 3000 of his great career and missed it. I truly wish I had been at the game to see it happen. As much as I bag on the guy these days, I can honestly say that he is probably my favorite all-time Astro.
There was a time when this was the best player in baseball in my opinion and never received the attention he deserved for his achievements because he chose to play in Houston for his entire career. I have never seen anyone play with the hustle he does, the ability to adapt and play any position (C, 2B, OF) and exhibit a quiet leadership on and off the field. Never have I seen the guy ever argue balls and strikes or a missed call, even when the umps clearly blew it.
It seems highly probable that he will retire at the end of this season. I really wish he had a few more productive seasons in him because as Clancy gets older and starts to appreciate baseball, Bidge is the guy I'd point to and say, "he plays the way you're supposed to play."
As the Astros play out the string this year, it's a shame that Bidge has to play in meaningless games, but I know that no matter how meaningless or out of hand they are, he will play hard on every pitch. Congrats Craig.
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