Thursday, March 29, 2007

C'mon Lidge, I'm pulling for you (really)

If Brad Lidge were just another Astros' farmhand who had never been a dominant closer in the bigs, he'd probably be starting the season in Round Rock or Corpus Christi playing for one of the team's minor league affiliates. Why? Because most guys who carry a 12+ ERA through most of the spring usually don't break camp with the big league club.

Most baseball fans know that ever since Bert Pujols' HR off of him in Game 5 of the 2005 NLCS, Lidge has pretty much lost his mojo. However, through a very rough 2006 that saw him demoted from his closer role to mid-relief, back to closer and then demoted again, Lidge remained a stand-up guy. The local reporters in H-town have nothing but respect for the guy and the way he carries himself out on the field, he just doesn't have the look of a beaten man.

As of now, Lidge is slated to begin the season as the Astros' closer. I really want to believe that the Lidge can be the closer, but given the fact that the Astros only lost the division by a game and a half last season, I just think the margin of error they have is too slim to be patient. Particularly when you have guys on the squad who can close today.

I really am pulling for you Lidge because if you can get yourself back into circa 2005 post season form, I really like the Astros' chances of getting back into the post season. But if it's up and down Lidge like last season, then I hope you enjoy your battle for third place guys.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Happy Birthday Chandler Bess!

Happy Birthday to Chandler Bess! I cant believe my little girl is 7 already. Seems like just yesterday she was waking me up on Saturday mornings at 7 am when she was 2 (I think) and lie on my chest while watching PB&J Otter and Rollie Pollie Ollie.

Even though she drives me nuts (and I'm pretty confident that trend will continue) I am completely in awe of how smart she is and how nothing ever gets by her. God has blessed Tricia and myself with a wonderful and unique little girl and I know without a doubt that He has great things in store for her.

I love you Chandler Bess.


Saturday, March 24, 2007

Our little girl is turning 7

Today we celebrated Chandler Bess' seventh birthday. She wont actually be seven until Wednesday but her celebration was tonight. Chandler invited her friends Avery and Michaelah to come to dinner at one of her favorite restaurants, Texas Roadhouse, and then to go make some stuffed animals at Build-a-Bear.

Third base is my home...

8 am t-ball wasn't as bad as I originally thought it would be. As you can see from the pictures, Clancy played 3rd base today. Brooks Robinson's legacy is secure ... for now.

Clancy connects!

Friday, March 23, 2007

8 am T-ball with 4 year olds

Tomorrow at 8 a.m. Clancy has a T-ball game. I want to know what genius created a schedule where 4 year olds who can barely focus on eating breakfast at that time of day are going to be expected to play T-ball?

Normally on a Saturday Clancy is up around 7:30, my guess is I'm having to wake him up tomorrow. Should be an interesting morning, I'm betting a third of the kids don't show.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Derek Webb and the prayer of Jabez

Derek Webb is quickly becoming one of my favorite singers. It is amazing how he is able to write some deeply spiritual songs without a praise chorus in them. Not that there's anything wrong with a praise chorus, but those songs are all very similar in nature and serve a specific purpose. However, they never really drive me take a look at myself and my relationship with God. That's what Derek's songs do for me, they make me think, make me question.

I recently listened to Derek's podcast that was posted on iTunes. He ended up spending a lot of time talking about a book that has sold millions of copies among Christians and I would assume some non-Christians as well. I myself read the book a few years ago, it is called "The Prayer of Jabez" by Bruce Wilkinson. I thought the book was ok and the one sentence prayer itself (which is in the Old Testament in 1 Chronicles) is a good one but I wasn't necessarily overwhelmed by the book as others may have been.

Anyhow, Derek's point about the book is that he feels Wilkinson has set the expectation with people who pray this prayer daily that God will "reward" them even more than he already has. Whether its increased wealth, advancement at work and other general good feeling blessings. Here's a good example from the book that Webb is likely referring to:
If Jabez had worked on Wall Street, he might have prayed, "Lord, increase the value of my investment portfolios."

Wilkinson's point is that we shouldn't be ashamed to ask God for the things we WANT as well as the things that we NEED. Pray the Jabez prayer each day and ultimately you'll get what you want according to Wilkinson. I can see why Webb might take issue with this. I may have to read the book again (it's a very quick read) now that Webb has called out some of these points. Like I said, the guy does make you think and question, regardless of whether you agree with him.

Here's the link to Webb's podcast. If this doesn't work, go to iTunes and get it. It's free.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Tonight's 24 (3/19) - Dont read if you havent watched yet!

Hopefully tonight's episode was a departure from the mid-season doldrums the show had fallen into. I guess the book is officially closed on Charles and Martha Logan as there was no mention of them in the 'Previously on 24' or at all on tonight's episode.

I just keep feeling like I've seen this scenario all before. Mole in CTU (season one), trigger happy VP (season two) and another nuke disaster averted (seasons two and six.) However, the writers and producers of this show have not disappointed me yet and I have come to accept these "bridge" episodes as the natural course.

I not convinced that Nadia is the mole however. I'm a bit suspicious of Milo.

The whole Audrey dying thing is interesting and Jack's statement about finding the people responsible for her death (if she truly is dead.) Could that be season seven perhaps? Instead of Jack saving the world it becomes all about Jack seeking revenge. Go back to first episode of this season and the look Jack gave his Chinese captor when he was released. Something tells me he and Jack will see each other again either this season or next.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

The Sun Devils beat a Sweet 16 team and other random observations on NCAA 1st and 2nd Rounds

First, the best part -- the University of Arizona lost in the first round to Purdue. You were my new favorite team Purdue but Florida woke up in the last five minutes of their game against you.

Probably one of the most ho-hum 1st and 2nd rounds I can recall in the past few years. Now granted I did not plant myself and watch all the games over the past 4 days that CBS dictated we watch but what from what I did see, nothing really left me saying "wow, what a great game." In fact I missed the entire first day of games because I took my daughter to Six Flags in San Antonio that day (look for a post/rant on that one soon.)

I was not surprised to see Texas lose. I was however surprised to see them get dominated like they did by USC, a team who represented one of ASU's two Pac 10 wins this season. Texas hoops has had some very good players over the past few years. Unfortunately it appears that Barnes is great at recruiting some of the best talent in the nation but hasn't found a way to get all the egos to fit together. Now if Kevin Durant would have had an experienced, junior or senior point guard to play with, this year's team could have potentially been a 1 or 2 seed in the tourney and probably would be preparing to play in the sweet 16.

Not surprised either by Wisconsin departing early. I have not been impressed by them or Ohio State this year. I was shocked to see Vanderbilt knock off Washington State. Wazoo blew a huge lead and lost in overtime. Even though they didn't win the Pac 10 this year, I thought they were the best *team* in the conference (UCLA clearly has the most talent.)

Final thought is on former Sun Devil point guard Kevin Kruger. For those of you who don't know, Kruger is the son of UNLV coach Lon Kruger and took advantage of a rule that allowed student-athletes who had completed their undergraduate work to transfer to another school for their final year of eligibility without having to sit out a year. Kevin has had a great season for UNLV and in my opinion, is the reason UNLV is in the Sweet 16.

I should just get over the fact that he left the Sun Devils without an experienced point guard and could have been a difference maker in the dozen or so games they lost by 5 points or less this season. In fairness to him, when he came to ASU, his dad was coaching in the pros. Had his dad been coaching in the NCAA at the time, Kevin probably would not have gone to ASU.
So Kevin, thanks for all you contributed to ASU hoops during a very difficult few years there. Congrats on your upset of Wisconsin. Unfortunately I think your tourney run is about to end against Oregon (yes, I clearly have a Pac 10 bias.)

For anyone who cares

This is my first posting in case anyone cares. My name is Phil Hughes, I'm 35 years old and I live in a suburb of Austin, TX called Cedar Park. My life is pretty ordinary and typical of others my age (wife, two kids, house, etc.), but I'm surprisingly never bored and every day feels like a challenge on a variety of levels.

The title of this blog covers the things I'm typically most interested in and care about the most. However, I will probably cover much more than the topics in the blog title. Expect to see lots on music, books, current affairs and a few work-related things here and there -- pretty much anything you would see in most other blogs.