Monday, March 19, 2007

Tonight's 24 (3/19) - Dont read if you havent watched yet!

Hopefully tonight's episode was a departure from the mid-season doldrums the show had fallen into. I guess the book is officially closed on Charles and Martha Logan as there was no mention of them in the 'Previously on 24' or at all on tonight's episode.

I just keep feeling like I've seen this scenario all before. Mole in CTU (season one), trigger happy VP (season two) and another nuke disaster averted (seasons two and six.) However, the writers and producers of this show have not disappointed me yet and I have come to accept these "bridge" episodes as the natural course.

I not convinced that Nadia is the mole however. I'm a bit suspicious of Milo.

The whole Audrey dying thing is interesting and Jack's statement about finding the people responsible for her death (if she truly is dead.) Could that be season seven perhaps? Instead of Jack saving the world it becomes all about Jack seeking revenge. Go back to first episode of this season and the look Jack gave his Chinese captor when he was released. Something tells me he and Jack will see each other again either this season or next.

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