Monday, September 17, 2007

Don't Make Eye Contact

This is what I'm always told to do whenever I'm walking the streets of San Francisco and pass what seems to be an endless stream of panhandlers. San Francisco by far has one of the largest populations of panhandler and homeless types in comparison to the other big cities I have spent time in. They are also the most aggressive in SF.

One time I was on a business trip a few years ago, we decided to have a late-night breakfast at one of the all-night diners there and we were seated close to the door and it seemed that every five minutes someone was coming in off the street asking us for money. Of course the restaurant staff told us to not make eye contact or acknowledge them and they would go away.

I was reading my Daily Heartlight email today and it posed this question;

Is there a time to ignore the professional "panhandler" who continues to live irresponsibly by taking advantage of well-intentioned people?

This is one that I have continually struggled with over the years. Phil Ware provides some good examples from the New Testament of times when Christ discerned it was the right time to walk away from those in need.

Do I still feel like there is no right or wrong answer here? Absolutely. However, it was a good and somewhat simple reminder for me to pray for wisdom and discernment every day when it comes to helping others. James 4:17 leaves little room for interpretation;

And when a person knows how to do good, but does not do good, then he is sinning.

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