Monday, April 30, 2007

24 episode 6.20

One of those bridge episodes tonight where the plot doesn't move forward a whole lot but it starts to set things up for the last few hours.

It appears that Jack and Ricky Schroder are buds now as silver spoon helped Jack escape so he extract info from Audrey in a non-torturing way. A departure from the info at all costs Jack we have come to know and love so well.

You have the writers trying to make the viewers change their opinion on the once slimy Veep Daniels. Ok, he's still slimy, but at least he's a slimy poor sap now after it was revealed that his babe was getting all cuddly with the Russian spy.

Then there's poor Cheng. He has the part he so coveted but alas, it's broken. The question is now, can Morris O'Brien fix this part the way he did the nuke detonator. Is he is easy prey now that he is disgruntled CTU employee and estranged from Chloe. The writers gotta keep the soap opera aspect alive and kicking somehow amongst all the chaos in the world.

Oh and btw, Audrey's daddy tells Jack to stay away from her because he's cursed, circa Day 5 when Jack's daughter kicked him to the curb. This one however seems a bit suspicious to me. Somehow I think he's a bit of a baddie in all of this. In cahoots some way with Papa Bauer? Geez, no thank you at all for saving his daughter's life despite the fact that we're at risk for WWIII.

Either way, looks like there's a showdown between Cheng's boys and CTU about to happen with Jack apparently once again being set free to lead the charge. Cheng will probably need to launch some type of attack on his own to get the component to work. Looks like the fun is about to begin.

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